Learning is essential which keeps us relevant. At Yusata, we weigh learning and put continuous endeavour to have team updated on the things.
The learning is not only on technical aspects but also on soft skills, personal front, life lessons etc. Attendance is optional to the knowledge
sharing sessions, but team’s enthusiasm is high, and they attend positively every day. The platform brings everyone on the same level where they
share thoughts which are helpful for everyone. The team gets a great chance to get in touch with everyone from the organization on daily basis.
Members get confidence boost
as they present to extended audience.
Since it was started, there are different content which team has presented, and everyone got benefit out of these. From coding best practices
to how to improve confidence, from celebration of festivals in a different state to MOOC platforms, from MockUp tools to DB performance
increase methods, a lot of things were shared.
We have seen people enjoining these sessions and raising voluntarily to take a session. Team is understanding the value of soft skills along with
technical skills. We want everyone to get to a comfortable level where they can confidently talk to customers, understand their concerns, and
take care of them. We believe if we take care of our employees then they will take care of the customers.
We have started considering various learning programs for team with LinkedIn Learning being prominent in all. The plan is to get organization
level learning licenses which will be provided to all members. Learning paths will be defined by the team leads/mentors which would be helpful
journeys for team. We are hopeful, the learning will continue, and we will get good results.
YLogForms has introduced WYSIWYG support for the new generation custom form design mechanism. It lets you design a custom form per your requirement.
It lets you define you look and feel of the form the way you like it. The user experience is not compromised on mobile app too. Mobile users experience same seamless experience.
PDF design, preview, and printing of the form as well as submitted data enables user to confirm requirement compliance. Turning on and off a form for any user or user role is very easy.
Form design screen is self-explanatory and doesn’t require much training.
Different form fields are supported off-the-shelf like:
1. Text Box (Single line and text area)
2. Radio Button and check boxes
3. Standard and custom drop downs
4. Signature and file upload
5. Select photo from gallery or capture new
6. Location (search from google or upload current location)
7. Single and multi-selection drop downs
8. Date, time, Datetime
9. Address, phone number, email
10. Relevant Validations on the fields
Apart from it, features include:
1. Standard and custom data Sources
2. API calls to pull and push data
3. Approval process and notifications
4. Controlled and free forms
5. Access controlled for roles
6. Share and embed option
7. Custom email template for notifications
8. Thank you email
Our support team is always happy to help customers in any help they require for on-boarding, understanding a feature, enablement of users so they feel comfortable using app.
Contact us now for a free application evaluation sales@ylogapp.com
I am glad to inform that Yusata Infotech have successfully completed 12 years of service to industry on this 21st August 2020.
With every growing year the company has added new experiences and expertise to their services.
In the second decade of service, Yusata is moving towards the next generation solutions with a focused effort on Internet of Things solutions.
The team has gained an exceptional expertise over developing IOT solution - in hardware and software.
We have developed exceptional capabilities on Wireless Temperature sensors, Humidity, Moisture, Oxygen, Motion and Flux sensors, 360O Camera,
Tire Pressure monitoring solution and remote Bluetooth padlock access for better security and safety.
Our Telematics and IOT solutions are seamlessly integrated and to ease our efforts, we have designed YLogForms, a unique solution to capture data in digital format from the field.
The forms are quick to customise and create for immediate use, with secure server access. It can capture image, location, signature etc.
Our endeavour will always remain to provide the best of service to our clients and partners around the world. In this current pandemic
situation of COVID 19, our team supports client/ companies with work from home and supporting them continue their business.
Yusata team is always available in any difficult situation and provide its best services to customer.
We have presence in India and USA with our office setup, and have partners around in the European, Africa and South Asian countries.
I wish you all a great 12th Anniversary with Yusata Team and Partners.
Take Care, Stay Safe !!
M.C. Sharma - CEO
Team Yusata
Readington Farms, Inc. processes and distributes milk products in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts,
and Rhode Island. The company was founded in 1888 and is based in Whitehouse, New Jersey. Readington Farms, Inc. operates as a subsidiary
of Wakefern Food Corporation.
Readington farms inc has 24X7 working as they deliver to all ShopRite and PriceRite stores. The commercial drivers on road falls under DOT
compliance for eLogs. They needed to keep track of driving hours at all times as well as they have to keep 14 days of history with them.
Law enforcing officer can ask for the log and they were needed to present it to him. eLog history also needed to be sharable to officer.
The penalties for non-compliance of DOT regulations are very high.
YLogApp was customized for Readington farms requirements and order/dispatch information was brought into YLogApp via API integration. API
had two-way communication to read and write order/dispatch information. iPad app let drivers see their daily routes with store locations
and contact information. Drivers were enabled to see item information and quantity to deliver.
Quantity change was accommodated too into the solution and information was populated back to order/dispatch source.
Drivers get electronic – Proof of delivery signed by store manager. ePOD lets dispatcher get visibility on deliveries. Signed ePODs gets
delivered to store managers.
With YLogApp, Readington farms has been able to have accurate and timely information on driver working hours. As this allowed to being compliant
with DOT regulations, the DOT hours were also utilized to run payroll for drivers.
With Accurate vehicle log information using customizable capture frequency and store-forward mechanism of YLogApp, accurate IFTA miles were calculated.
Data usage reports allowed to keep SIM airtime utilization under control and visible for any surprize charges for over-use.
Any device-any driver mechanism allowed Readington farms free from hassle of keeping device bind with a driver. Any driver can pick any device
and good to go with deliveries. Driver’s DOT hours are downloaded on whichever device driver logs in.
YLogApp is telematics platform providing Advanced features for business. It is now integrated with Gurtam which also has global reach and supports a lot of manufacturer devices.
Both Single-Sign-On and Login with Gurtam options are integrated.
For Demonstration, we have created test users on wialon which are synced to YLogApp too.
We will be login into wialon with these users, relevant YLogApp services will be available
for the users in wialon. We will Click on service on wialon and user will be taken to YLogApp, directly into relevant service while login via Single-Sign-On.
Dispatching User has logged into Wialon and sees YLog Dispatch service available.
Upon clicking on the service, Configured Single-Sign-On URL is called. Single-Sign-On process validates the token received
from Wialon as well checks with API if the user is valid to avoid man-in-the-middle attack. After Validation, user is taken
to relevant Dispatch module in YLogApp. A dispatch was already created for the demo.
View Dispatch options opens it in a pop-up while showing all the details. It shows assigned Driver, Vehicle, Source, Destination,
Stops on the details. Stops can further has Smart lock associated with it which are displayed in the demo. Wireless Forms can be
created and associated with Source, Destination or with any stop on the dispatch. Driver executes the dispatch on their smart
device which can be Android or Apple. The App enables Driver to start, stop, capture Proof-Of-Delivery, open lock, override
lock in certain situations, submit wireless forms etc. All the information updated/captured on the mobile device, sync back
to server in real time when data connectivity is available.
Dispatch module is integrated with Third Party ERP systems and new integrations can also be done.
Camera User has logged into Wialon and sees YLog Cam service available. Upon clicking on the service, Configured Single-Sign-On URL is called.
Single-Sign-On process validates the token received from Wialon as well checks with API if the user is valid to avoid man-in-the-middle attack.
After Validation, user is taken to relevant Dashcam module in YLogApp. We have cameras existing for this user for demo.
The Dashcam screen shows latest video clips captured from Waylens, Wyze or Smart Witness Camera. The events are configured for exerted force thresholds.
The camera is capable to capture Acceleration, Braking, Driving Hit, Heavy Hit, Parked Hit, Heavy Hit etc events and pushes recording for that event with
location. Location is shown on map using street view if available, if no then satellite view is shown.
Waylens is 360 degree camera which captures video from all directions.
IOT User has logged into Wialon and sees YLog IOT service available. Upon clicking on the service, Configured Single-Sign-On URL is called. Single-Sign-On
process validates the token received from Wialon as well checks with API if the user is valid to avoid man-in-the-middle attack. After Validation, user is
taken to relevant IOT module in YLogApp. We need to select criteria to view IOT data.
The TPMS data is available in January 2020 for demo. Upon selecting the date range, vehicle, we can see sensors associated with this vehicle. Since it is a
Car, there are four tire pressure monitoring sensors installed. These sensors report pressure as well as temperature values for tires. Data values are
displayed on a dual axis chart. Left axis shows temperature value in Fahrenheit and right axis shows pressure value in PSI. Chart legends are clickable
which toggles between show, hide for chart data display.
A depiction of car with sensors mapped to tires is shown as well. The values change when we click on any timestamp record in grid data. If any tire value is
out of range from standard values, then tire is shown in red color for easy identification. The depiction is dynamic and based upon vehicle type. For tractors,
it shows tractor and trailers attached to tractor shown as well.
GPS tracking for the vehicle travelled is also available for reference. Slow or fast leak, tire temperature high or pressure
low events can be sent to number of configured contacts.
ELD User has logged into Wialon and sees YLog DOT service available. Upon clicking on the service, Configured Single-Sign-On URL is called.
Single-Sign-On process validates the token received from Wialon as well checks with API if the user is valid to avoid man-in-the-middle attack.
After Validation, user is taken to relevant DOT module in YLogApp. By default, alphabetically first user’s ELD data is rendered.
User can select other driver and date for which data needs to be reviewed. Duty status changes are available in different rows and color.
Mouse hover on the duty status change pop-ups more details like start, end location, start, end odometer, travelled distance, vehicle used etc.
YLogApp ELD module complies to all DOT guidelines. 16 and 34 hour rules, Edit of ELD data, approval or rejection by driver, submitting
data to ELD WS for law enforcement officer are all supported.
Data Grid below the chart shows data in consolidated format for easy viewing. It can be expanded to drill down into all constituting records.
Forms User has logged into Wialon and sees YLog Forms service available. Upon clicking on the service, Configured Single-Sign-On URL is called.
Single-Sign-On process validates the token received from Wialon as well checks with API if the user is valid to avoid man-in-the-middle attack.
After Validation, user is taken to relevant Forms module in YLogApp. Default view is all form template listing. Wireless Forms is innovative
mechanism to quickly design a data input mechanism. User can design a template per requirements, grant access to needed user-roles and it is
immediately available to be used in Mobile or Web Application by authorized users.
User can create a new form from Add button on top right. Data elements are draggable from available library. Data elements are divided
into Basic Fields and Groups which are user-defined templates. Standard drop down for existing data source of custom can be defined
and used in template. Image capture, file upload, signature are off-the-shelf available functionality to include in form. Length, value,
dependent, mathematical formula etc validation can be enforced.
Once template is created, it becomes available for use. A new menu is automatically created and assigned to this template.
Upon clicking on this, it opens data view for the form. A new record can be submitted for this form.
After the submission, data can be viewed for verification. Editing of data can be allowed, field level validation
can be enforced if edit should be available or not.
Login with Gurtam is another integration point available on YLogApp. Users need to enter their wialon credentials on wialon login page.
There is no need to share their wialon password with YLogApp. Data access is all token-based authentication. All the data which will be
available to YLogApp is shown on wialon login page which user can see. Tokens are reusable components on wialon. All the token
generation history can be seen on wialon.
Thank you
YLogApp is enterprise application supporting many industries. The solution is proven for construction industry as well.
Tilcon NY is CRH company in North America established in 1981.
Tilcon is into construction and road paving as well having quarry, recycling, and asphalt operations. It has 19 locations
and material movement across these is done using truck and barge.
Tilcon uses Owned and hired vehicles. Owned vehicles have permanent GPS units installed while hired vehicles use portable
GPS units and identified using RFID cards.
Work is allocated and measured by Material and Hourly tickets for the vehicles which move across locations per requirement.
Accurate location with time is very important for operations and billing. Loader, trucks, paver, dumper, crushers etc
are all supported by GPS units to capture their location data.
Y Log App Capture Arrival and Departure times accurately and automatically. The information is correlated with planned schedules received
from ERP system. Virtual boundaries and identifying their check-in and check-out time play vital role in this. Timely information makes
the reconciliation easy and automated reports are generated and sent to hauliers on daily basis.
Y Log App has Mobile, Web, and ERP integrations available. Custom solution pertaining to a problem statement can be designed and delivered
with in-house development team. Contact sales@ylogapp.com for your queries.
Thank you
NIIS is well known institute in Bhubaneswar who has provided excellent industry professional over the years.
Yusata has been hiring from NIIS Bhubaneswar from more than 5 years. This year, due to Covid19 situation,
our recruitment team couldn't visit Bhubaneswar. To continue benefiting the students, upon NIIS management
request, Yusata agreed to provide webinar on "Relevance of Cloud Computing for recruitment in Contemporary Context".
The webinar was attended by 100+ students from NIIS and question/answer session was great. Students participated actively
in the webinar and got to know about different career options available in Cloud Computing. Free tier and Always free
infrastructure options from AWS/Google/Oracle etc were explained. Students can Sign up for these tiers and can get to
learn about cloud technology with hands-on practice on these for free of cost. Certification options based on their
own interest and skill set were explained which can help them achieve their career goals. The possible scenario
explained where Cloud Computing is best suited and how their pricing works was also told.
The webinar was a huge success and we look forward to continued association with NIIS for future recruitment.
"Change is inevitable, Will you drive that change or be driven by it?"
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website. After a decades of hard work and dedication, we launched Ver 2.0 of our product
YLogapp and now delighted to officially launch its web page.
Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to know about the products and services we are offering.
With the new features, we just showcased the entire range of Telematics solution, our integrations, implementation capabilities.
We will be constantly updating our content which will help our old as well as new visitors to grab the product or service of their use.
The Case Studies & Portfolio will highlight the projects we have completed and outline the value created for each client as a result.
The new site is just one click away.
The corona virus or COVID-19 is a family of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses in humans including common cold, fever and more severe forms
like SARS and MERS which are life-threatening.
Amid growing pandemic of COVID-19, Yusata Infotech team took the initiative and developed Raj. nCov19 Tracker application. This application helps to
track the patient details who have abroad or interstate travel history.
Raj. nCov19 Tracker app includes the below features
• Capture patient data
• List of testing hospital locations for COVID-19
• Lockdown violation report
• Self-check guide
• Corona related important information
The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the
advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
Gone are the days when tracking your resources were time consuming and cumbersome. Route planning and identifying available driver-vehicles using pen and
paper are a thing of past now. The vast reach of the high-speed Internet and the easy availability of smartphones have helped the GPS Technology to
transform the transportation industry in the recent years. GPS tracking has redefined the transportation and logistics business.
We understood industry’s pain areas and worked extensively with our logistics partners.
Our rigorous efforts to understand the concerns of various stakeholders - Fleet Owner, Fleet Manager, client and Insurance company has resulted well.
We have inculcated a lot of research in our solution YLogApp. Our innovative next generation platform, YLogApp, have features crafted with meticulous
attention to details. We strive to revolutionize your daily operations with the implementation of our top-notch telematics platform. With the support
of different kind of devices, it is very useful in quickly getting up and running.
Our exhaustive approach lets customer choose their own hardware depending on feature, price, compatibility, acceptance, ease of use etc.
Some of its features include :
Access Control:YLogApp’s role based access mechanism allows Admins to control what access they want to grant to what users. Apart from menus, data
can also be controlled for roles. New Custom roles can be added. Temporarily access to users to take care of any task can be granted. Example of this
could be having a dispatcher take care of Payroll report run for time being when dispatch manager is not available. This temporarily access can then be revoked.
Real time vehicle tracking system:. In today’s competitive world, it is essential for business to keep their continued customer service to up to the mark.
Availability of crucial remote information enables to make arrangement in case of any issues so customer can get their deliveries on time. In Modern times,
definition of tracking has changed drastically. In contract of earlier tracking of simple location, now the telematics system is empowered to provide a lot
of remote data. Example of such data is exceptional events, driving behavior, fuel efficiency, Augmenting GPS data to support payload from multiple sensors.
YLogApp supports Location, Speed, Direction, Timestamp, Braking/Speeding/Acceleration/Crash events.
Alerts and NotificationYLogApp has Alert configuration mechanism which allows users to setup alert trigger condition, design their own alert text, setup
contacts to receive alert, view all logged alerts. Text, Email and Push Notification are supported Alert mechanism. These can be well utilized in a
variety of scenario like speeding, idling, unauthorized halts, Route deviation, fuel theft, tire leak, temp low/high etc are to name a few.
Reporting:YLogApp provides a lot of off-the-shelf reports for users to choose from. GPS trails report, Geofence transition report, Payroll report,
Event report, Dispatch/Order Compliance report are to name a few. We are now focusing on providing users a mechanism to design their own reports,
where they can select their own columns etc to use, binding them with the available source data. Scheduling of reports is already available. User
can setup a report schedule based on defined criteria for report run, sorting etc and assign contacts to receive report at any frequency they want
like Daily/Weekly/Monthly etc. Ad-Hoc report scheduling and immediate run are also available.
Fuel Management & MonitoringFuel consumption adds up to the overall cost of the operations and makes impact on the profitability of organization.
YLogApp supports a number fuel sensor achieving up to 99% accuracy of fuel level. Any sudden drop in fuel level is well captured, reported,
notified and logged. YLogForms allows to keep track of fuel refills.
YLogApp with its unique features can help many industries in their operations:
Transport Companies by using YLogApp can be very well aware of their vehicle movement:
1. Logistics Companies
2. Transportation Companies
3. Public Transport
4. Personal Vehicles
5. Child Safety
6. School Buses
7. Service vehicles
8. Container or vessels traveling overseas
Ready to add a new dimension to your business and redefine your success story? Contact us now
Amid the Corona Virus, COVID 19 threat and uncertainty over the participation of National & International delegations and companies for the event;
IndiaSoft & Globalsoft 2020 were successfully accomplished by Electronic & Software Council Of India (ESC).
We, Yusata Infotech, had participated at the IndiaSoft as the Indian ITES company from Jaipur and represented its Telematics and IoT solutions to the delegates around the world.
Along with our participation, we were accompanied by Companies like SSGlobal LLC, Martix Technologies and Staffingfront from USA, participated at the GlobalSoft 2020, at the same location.
The event was organized by ESC at the Hotel Novotel, HICC, Hyderabad.
At the event, an unexpected participation of delegates from the developing countries like – Iran, Ukraine, Malaysia, Nepal, Vietnam, African Continent – Nigeria, Bostwana,
Congo, UAE – Dubai, Oman, and many more.
At the event, our solutions related to Telematics Solution with advance GPS solutions and the capabilities of integration with Internet of Things (IOT)
was a unique proposition to the world and had attracted international entrepreneurs.
We have been able to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with companies in Oman and Kyrgyzstan and have several other companies from South Asian continent to
interact on further working possibilities.
Yusata Infotech, prays that all the international delegates have reach home safely and are healthy.
The intent of this video to provide YLogApp users walk through on how they can utilize YLogApp for resources tracking. This video shows how easy it is to get started.
Video covers below modules:
1. Sign In into your Admin account
2. Create a driver
3. Create a vehicle
4. Download YLogLite on driver iOS/Android device
5. Admin can see live location on Web/Mobile app
For your requests related to Purchasing and/or Support, please contact us:
Never again get into quarrel about whose mistake it was, when anything happens on the road.
Get peace of mind with our innovative camera solution. Keep an eye on your drivers and
their driving behaviour with these cameras.
Multiple camera options available which lets you choose what best suits your requirements.
Camera Options include:
1. Waylens Secure 360:
a) Innovative Secure 360 degree camera records video and audio in 360 degree view.
b) SDCard can store videos upto 15 days in past. Can request video for a duration in past, if it is available on SDCard then it will be pushed to server and available on web/mobile app.
c) Event based tracking allows recording video automatically and available on web/mobile app.
d) In-Built GPS provides location, speed and timestamp.
e) Audible notifications to driver for penalty driving events
f) Minimal instalaltion via OBDII takes less than 5 minutes to get up and running.
g) Install anywhere on windscreen so no obstruction.
h) UpSide Down installation is supported to avoid sun glares
i) Keep track of data usage on consumption
j) Live view in 360 degree, mutable audio options
k) Different quality options availabel to choose from to keep data usage under control
2. Smartwitness:
a) Driver view, road view, back-up, dome etc camera options available
b) Monitor can be installed in vehicle to see feed from cameras
c) When vehicle is in reverse gear, back-up camera automatically pops-up on monitor
d) SOS event can be triggered
e) Support full spectrum of Video Telematics
3. Wyze:
a) View 1080p full HD live stream from anywhere in the world
b) Record videos on SD card and view later
c) Hear and talk through 2-Way Audio
d) Get notified when motion or sound is detected
e) Review Event Videos with 14 day free rolling cloud storage
f) See in the dark with Night Vision
g) Capture time lapses with an SD card
h) Get custom notifications when Smoke or CO alarms are detected
i) Shop Wyze products
j) Discover videos captured by the Wyze community
k) Turn on or off device notifications
l) Set advanced schedules to only record the moments that matter
m) Share devices with friends and family
n) Customize detection zones and sensitivity
January 08, 2020 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Radisson Blu Jaipur
Airport Plaza, Plots No. 5 And 6, Tonk Road
Jaipur, 302018
Being an Oracle gold partner, Yusata received invitation from Oracle to join their Advanced Systems Workshop held at Jaipur in January 2020.
Purpose of workshop to provide introduction to advanced systems which Oracle has to offer. As well, Oracle provides introduction to latest security measures that they
have introduced. Apart from technical knowledge sharing, Oracle’s sales manager takes active part into workshop to guide organizations on how to promote Oracle to their
Yusata’s Director (Technology) – Mr. Sunil Karwasra and Director (Projects) – Mr. Ravinder Dhayal participated in Oracle Advanced Systems workshop. They had candid
participation into question-answer session as well as discussion with Oracle’s technical-cum-marketing team. They got their questions answered pertaining to how
government agencies can benefit Oracle cloud if they have limitations relating to security etc.
About Event: Oracle Advanced Systems Workshop for Oracle Engineered Systems is an “Accelerator” program of advanced support and tailored technical assistance workshops.
These workshop sessions assist with the creation and review of Oracle Engineered Systems deployment plans. Oracle Advanced Customer Services has intimate knowledge of Oracle
Engineered Systems technology, Oracle tools, and deployment recommended practices. We can help mitigate risk and maximize the value of your Oracle technology investment.
Oracle Advanced Support Engineers deliver technical workshop sessions that help you plan and understand the underlying technology, installation, and configuration options.
The sessions are designed to help optimize and support your new Oracle Engineered Systems environment as part of your deployment plan. During the workshops, Oracle Advanced
Support Engineers share in-depth knowledge of Oracle products as well as recommended practices and advanced support tools. Advanced Customer Services will work to provide
proactive and preventive support, and tailored technical assistance to help accelerate adoption and optimize performance and availability of Oracle technology.
Advanced Customer Services will collaborate with your IT team to understand and support your business and unique requirements.
Key Features | Key Benefits | Technologies Covered | Sample Activities |
Technical knowledge sessions tailored to your IT environment and business needs | Save time and money by expediting your engineered system deployment, optimizing overall performance, and availability | Oracle Exadata Database Machine | Recommended practices and technology knowledge sessions |
Identify opportunities for improved efficiency, availability, and cost control | Help meet business needs by identifying configuration and implementation requirements | Oracle Exadata Storage Expansion Rack | Map and gap planning exercises for successful deployments |
Actionable and prioritized recommendations | Understand how the engineered systems infrastructure can meet your business needs today and in the future | Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud | |
Oracle SuperCluster | |||
Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine | |||
Oracle Database Appliance | |||
Oracle Big Data Appliance | |||
Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance | |||
Private Cloud Appliance | |||
Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance |
Event URL: https://eventreg.oracle.com/profile/web/index.cfm?PKwebID=0x704179abcd
The Yusata Family has celebrated a Warm 79th Happy Birthday of our Chief Executive Officer -Mr. Moolchand Sharma on January 10 2020.
Mr. Sharma with his vast experience, maturity and entrepreneurial capabilities manages the whole organization as a family. As a CEO, he has guided us on each step of the way.
The company is committed to provide Quality service and solutions to the industry with best support.
We appreciate that a lot and we wish him a great success, well being and years of tomorrows filled with prosperity and Joy.
1. The year started with launch of YLogForms - a digital form to capture data in real time from field or work place and store it. The forms are easy to design and are quick to support your data gather work.
2. Indian Oil tender work of VTS installation commenced to a herculean task of installing 1500 devices in 4 states of India – Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.
3. Dedicated engineer team moved across states for installation; real time coordination with IOCL LPG Plants and transporters for vehicles
4. VTS & GEO RTD Software training and presentation at all 13 Plant Locations of IOCL and transporter trainings were started.
5. Awarded Warehouse Automation and Technology Consulting Work order from Rajasthan State Beverages Corporation Limited (RSBCL)
6. Site visitation and data mining work started for RSBCL; simultaneously warehouse automation designing and layout planning commenced
7. A new consulting work awarded for RSGSM- Rajasthan State Ganganagar Sugar Mills; for Warehouse Automation and Model storage planning work.
8. IOCL invited to discuss for the Standard VTS & GEO RTD Software discussion to be designed for their inhouse production.
9. Designed a unique device accommodating features and requirements of IOCL VTS, a new model of device
10. Celebrated Yusata Foundation day with all staff and patrons at Jaipur; enriched and envisaged better growth with every year of working
11. New and better opportunities in the area of BI & EBS from overseas market; dedicated resources hired and built team to support larger client base
12. YLogApp V2 platform support IOT Sensors and Camera features; providing a single window operation for users.
13. Integration of 360o camera from Waylens with YLogApp and implementation in Ambulance services in USA states.
14. Progressed in working closely with NOKE – Bluetooth padlock; integrated Master Key API with YLogApp software. Manage and access locks with geo fence management and user management for NOKE Locks in India. Customised solutions available for industry to explore better possibility of using Lock.
15. Better growth potential from USA market and the current clients; new and enhanced features available for the American market with HOS & ELD Supported devices / solutions.
Wishing a happy and prosperous New year 2020 to all our patrons and clients across the world.
The last year 2019, has been a year of great envisage and encouragement for the Yusata Team. The team have ventured into new projects
related to Internet of Things (IOT) - Wireless Temperature sensor, 360° camera view, ELD compliance solution, YLOG Wireless Forms, Advance
fleet management and others.
The year 2020 is planned for better growth and service offerings for the industries.
YLogApp Telematics software is available with an integrated 360° Camera solution in it.
The portal allows user/ manager to have video feed from driver cabin and road at the same
time and can also have a view of happening within the surroundings.
Yusata is working closely with Canvasback and Rep Services for our product offering in
Colorado region. In our recent discussion with Rep Services, the team has been very positive
and liked our product suite offering, built as per our last interaction with them. They were
impressed to see technologies like TPMS and Bluetooth Noke locks integrated with our YLogApp
platform. The 360° camera possibly has potential in law enforcement vehicles due to affordable
pricing and visibility. Ambulances need more sophisticated and multi-faceted camera systems.
Rep Services will be setting up a new demo vehicle some time in future which will equip our
system to present it in the trade shows.
Insight has been our esteemed client in USA and now it is acquired by Accel-KKR, USA. Mr. Doug Hawley is
the CEO of new management.
We have been working closely with Insight on projects; now with the change in management and ownership,
we look at a new relationship with them and further discussion on projects to work upon.
Yusata is committed to provide technological advancements as require by the company Accel-KKR. New
Avenues discussed will include providing QA Resources, interactive user experience expert and CalAmp
Scripting expert.
Best wishes and compliments to Accel-KKR group and look forward to working together.
In India, Diwali - is a major festival for all Indian citizens residing across the world. The
festival is a symbol of "Good hails over Evil".
Mr. Mool Chand Sharma, CEO, Yusata Infotech distributed sweets and good wishes to all the staff
members and their family. The day was celebrated with firing crackers and a get-together in
office premises. Yusata office was decorated with lighting and Diyas everywhere.
We wish all our readers a Happy Diwali !!!
Yusata have earlier participated at the Mobile World Congress, LA, USA for the past 3 years and have visited
to the exhibition in 2019, this year.
The visit to MWC 2019 was encouraging to see new technologies in the overall IT domain.
At the MWC, had meetings with new vendors and potential clients who seek Telematics and IOT solutions.
The exhibition has been vastly covered with AI, IOT and innovative solutions to support technological
advancement within the work-space.
We look forward to participation/visit to MWC again next year.
Yusata has been dealing with automation of Telematics solutions with innovative services, which reliefs great
amount of time for the transportation managers and Logistics company.
In our dealing with Logistics and transport companies, we have expertise over the automation of warehouse
management as well, which was not launched in the Indian sub-continent. Now the company has entered into
this new space to help and provide quality service for the Warehouse industry.
Our solution differs in terms of:
1. Quality service
2. Attention to details
3. Scalable solution
4. Automation through technology
5. Experience and expertise
For more details, kindly send enquiry at sales@ylogapp.com
Yusata has designed and developed a unique and effective inhouse product of – Temperature and
Humidity sensor as a single unit.
The sensor is capable to monitor temperature and humidity simultaneously with high precision.
The sensor is useful as an integrated solution for many industries. The foreseen use case
of this sensor is in – Cold storage vans, Cold storage warehouses, Agricultural product,
warehouses and many more.
The sensor is wireless and does not require any wiring or masonry work to be performed
at the premises.
It has a longer battery life and will perform its work diligently.
The product is under testing and will be available for production and market use very soon.
To know more or order for product, kindly write us on : sales@ylogapp.com
Location: The Oberoi, New Delhi, Date: 17-Sept-2019 09:00 to 12 Noon
Residing in New Jersey's waters, the Statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of our immigrant past and present.
With a history of embracing diversity, New Jersey is a proud home to the third highest concentration of
foreign-born residents in the nation and ranks#4 in the nation for linguistic diversity. Oue State is especially
welcoming to international companies looking to plant its flag in the United States.
Home to some of America's most vibrant ethnic neighborhoods, Indian culture is celebrated here in New Jersey
more than anywhere else in the United States. With the second largest Indian-born population in America,
many Indian companies find New Jersey to be a perfect match. Indian Americans are building a new American Dream,
creating communities where they can celebrate their culture and tradition.
Indian companies and their employees that locate to New Jersey will not only profit, but also prosper.
The event “Connecting Transatlantic Gateways” was organized as part of other events for US Delegation
(approx. 35 people belonging to different area including Government, pharma and IT industries etc).
Below are main delegates:
1. Phillip Murphy (Governor, State of NJ)
2. Tammy Murphy (First Lady, State of NJ)
3. Tim Sullivan (CEO, NJ-EDA)
4. Wesley Mathews (Vice President of international business development office, EDA)
5. Arthur Kapoor (CEO & President, HealthEC)
6. Balpreet K. Grewal-Virk (Hackensack Meridian Health)
7. Christine – (Public Service Enterprise Group, PSEG)
8. Gunjan Doshi - (CEO, InRhythm)
9. Vimal Shah – (Partner, McElroy, Deotsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP)
The event started with Beautiful words from Tammy Murphy, “We grow when we work together, we grow more when we
invite others to join us”. She conveyed beautifully, the Governor’s intent to bring more and more companies to
New Jersey so to bring economic development in the region. She mentioned four key reasons to come to New
Jersey – Talent, Education, Location and Infrastructure. She presented stats about New Jersey being 8th
largest economy in USA. NJ-India two-way trade is about USD 8.3B with India being 4th largest
trading partner and supplier of Imported goods into NJ. Technology, Manufacturing, Pharma, Food
etc are some of Key Industries having highest potential. There are about 20 Fortune 500 companies
have their head-office in NJ.
Top 4 reasons to choose New Jersey are – Talent, Education, Location and Infrastructure.
Global Reach, Local Roots
The State of New Jersey and India share a deep and long-standing cultural, educational and
economic connection. Indain Americans are one of new jersey's fastest growing demographics
and India is one of the world's fastest growing economies. Indian companies have already made
signoficant investments in the pharmaceutical and information technology sectors in New Jersey.
We are commited to nurturing existing Iandian businesses and helping prospective companies
find oppotunities for expansion and innovation.
New Jersey's strategic location in the middle of the Boston - New York City - Washington D.C.
corridor provides access to one of the world's most concentrated and affluent markets. With
the#1 seaport in the East Coast and one of the busiest airports in America, New Jersey moves
people and products like no other state, New Jersey offers companies a top talent pool and
sets the educational standard. Home to some of the best school and healthcare systems in the
united States, New Jersey is ranked the#1 State in America to Raise Children.
As a telematics solution provider, we have received several enquiries related for monitoring vehicles plying
within a secured area or perimeter.
It has been observed mostly that manufacturing companies with loading/unloading bay and multiple parking slots
in their premises have issues related to identification of vehicle within that area.
Telematics solution with GPS devices provides higher accuracy when the transit route is long enough to get GPS
fix and provide location accuracy upto 5 meters. In this situation, the transit area is limited and the zones
change very frequently within few meters, from Parking to Loading or Unloading bay, waiting area,
security gates, etc.
A potential client requirement has been addressed recently with a successful Proof of Concept (POC).
The contracted vehicles were monitored from security gate entry, to parking, to bay and to exit gate
successfully with accuracy of 3 meter.
Such a solution is under development with Yusata Infotech to attend this requirement successfully.
We take pride to confirm successful VTS solution deployment for IOCL WRO tender of LPG Bulk truck movement
within western region.
The VTS solution have the following features:
1. Location
2. Master of Users, vehicles
3. Role based system access
4. Exceptional reporting
a. Over-speeding
b. Harsh Driving
c. Harsh Braking
d. Deviation from route
e. Night driving, etc
5. Voice enabled announcement system for drivers inside truck
6. SAP integration (under progress)
7. Trip based tracking
8. Tampering alerts
9. Reports and Notifications
VTS training is scheduled for all the plant managers, transporters and State committees.
The solution is in compliance with all the requirements of IOCL across India. The solution is available
with whitelisting as well.
For more details kindly talk to Mr. Jayant Arrawatia - +91 9327079522 or email: sales@ylogapp.com
A great moment of cherishment and accomplishment to complete 11 successful years in the industry.
Yusata turns 11 years and have achieve a mark of excellence in better solution and service to its customers.
The company have operations in India and USA with partners and patrons across Middle East, Africa and South Asia.
With every growing year, the solution as well as technical capabilities of the company has grown multi-folds; from
Software development to inhouse product design and development.
We have solutions in telematics industry, IoT, Sensor based, Proactive diagnostics, Automated Driving Test Track
solution (ADTT), Automated Crash identification, Warehouse Automation and many more.
We thank every client to be the part of this progress and have directly or indirectly motivated us to provide
with better solutions, bringing technology closer to life.
Every passing year teaches us and coming year gives us hope to do our best.
Thank you All!!
Digital world has changed the formats of data gathering. Now-a-day, each information and
data input are critical and important for analysis. Today, information is the key and
data is money.
Yusata as an endeavour to synergize its product with real time tracking to real time
data capturing, designed a new product Wireless Forms – branded as “YLOG FORMS”
These forms are flexible in nature – it means that the user can creates its own
customized forms, design as per their needs and data gathering. User can use text,
number, alphanumeric, value, preset values, date-time, location, image capturing,
digital signature, key value inputs, characters and many more with these forms.
The forms can be used for
- Surveys
- Purchase /Sales Order Forms
- Visitor Management
- Log maintenance
- Sales / Marketing reports
- Data gathering
- and many more
For demo requests, kindly contact sales@ylogapp.com or info@ylogapp.com
At Yusata, we believe in providing the best service and solution to our customers.
YLogApp- has been our pioneer product with advance telematics features to track and trace, provide executive reports
and interactive portal experience.
Based on growing requirements of clients and market, Yusata has developed Internet of Things (IOT) solutions which
compliment the telematics industry like -
• Wireless Temperature sensor
• Tire Temperature and Pressure Monitoring System
• 360 Degree Camera
• Dual Side Camera (Road View & Driver View)
• Humidity / Moisture / O2 Sensors
The solutions are available at a call away – sales@ylogapp.com
Yusata team received an accolade from one of its major clients in India,
for being a vigilant app for their vehicles.
The client owns a fleet of more than 1000 vehicles moving across
the state of Rajasthan. The client has multiple vehicles in its fleet
sizing from Bikes, Cars and Vans.
In the recent happening, when one of its driver assigned with a bike,
moved out of premises without information and was not traceable; the control room
tracked the bike using YLogApp application and were able to catch hold within 30 minutes of record time.
The control room in-charge informed
“we came to know about the bike missing and had called driver, however in no
response from driver, we used YLogApp software to check the vehicle and found
it moving at high speed towards the city boundary. We informed Police about the
live location and they were able to custody vehicle and driver within 30 minutes.
This has been possible because of YLogApp application in our vehicles”
Similar incident has happened once earlier too, and they were able to recover the
vehicle from its location.
We are happy to help our clients in managing and tracking their vehicles efficiently.
Our Intelligent Transport Management System, for the school bus monitoring
allows great relief to the School Bus Administrator and the Parents at large.
The system works on its pre-defined and intelligent mapping system, which ensures
school bus is monitored, with its pick-up and drop off stops.
An app is available for the Parents to keep a watch on the bus movement during
its pick-up and drop off trips. They can view live location along with ETA to
their designated stops. Parents receive SMS alert for bus arrival and student
pick/drop at the stop.
With schools moving towards efficient and effective use of technology to
cater their best services to the society; Yusata is a committed partner
with them to be a responsible arm of school in providing its School Bus
managements solution to keep parents updated and feel secure.
Yusata works closely with the school team to ensure that stops and vehicle
route is mapped accurately with precision of its movement; making the child’s
ride safe and secure.
Yusata Infotech, provides the latest AIS 140 devices for the school buses,
allowing them to be compliant with the Central Government Notification.
To bring in a holistic development in students, Akshaya Patra had initiated a unique
Summer Internship program FLIGHT (Future Leaders for Inclusive Growth and Human Transformation)
for the students from premier engineering colleges across the country.
Akshaya Patra reaches out to 1,675,008 children in 33 locations across 12 states
of India, providing them with freshly cooked meals on all school days. Currently,
we implement the Mid-Day Meal Programme in 13,839 schools of the country, with plans
to increase that number to hundreds more.
FLIGHT-6 was scheduled for 2019 between 1st July to 31st July. FLIGHT summer project program
is a versatile and unique program and is being held in the Akshaya Patra Foundation, Jaipur
which in itself is the testimony of its quality and promise.
Based on the project selection, the program demands the active participation of the candidates
to thoroughly study the operations at Akshaya Patra. Since the operation being as early as 3
am and carried out throughout the day with intermittent breaks and hence we have designed as
residential project model. The program will be a blend of technical knowledge, hands-on training,
operational techniques and soft skill training like Public speaking, Team building, Time
management, career building.
Mr. Sunil Karwasra (Director – technology) from Yusata Infotech Private Limited took a session on
“Latest advancements on IT Development and Infrastructure”. 5 interested Trainees in Mobile apps
development were given training on hybrid app development for a month at Yusata office.
Application development was completed and successful demo was done to Akshaya Patra authorities.
School bus tracking solution is a major pioneer product of Yusata Infotech.
The offering is highly recommended for the school administration and parents to keep a regular and close watch over
the bus movement and child pick drop location. The solution provides real time information over mobile app and
alerts to the stake holders.
The parent app features:
- Real time bus tracking
- Multiple child and bus mapping
- Pick and drop stop geo fence
- Transport History of past dates
- Push notification and alerts
The app will certainly make life of administrator and parent easy.
Download your school app from Google Play Store
YLogApp is established in the Telematics domain with enhanced features to support transport manager on every
The portal and mobile app provides visibility of resources -trucks and fleets, in real time and provides
decision making reports.
With the changing times and needs, we have developed capabilities to integrate various sensors and
technology using Internet as a platform available within the GPS device to communicate and take action remotely.
Internet of Things concept is successfully integrated into YLogApp in form of temperature sensor, door sensors,
humidity and moisture sensors, Oxygen level, water quality and many more.
Yusata Infotech is equipped with best of product and service to address this upcoming domain.
Yusata Infotech has opened a new vertical for its India operation in this 2019; it has been a USP of Yusata to provide
process automation for industry. The core business of Telematics is being integrated with IoT to provide Logistics
and SCM automation, helping organizations achieve better results from resources.
Now, with reverse integration, Yusata is providing Warehouse Automation consultancy and Turnkey Projects for organizations.
Utilizing its experience and expertise of overseas valuable customers, a new workspace of Warehouse Automation
is created into the ecosystem; brining value added services to its current customers as well as woo new customers
in this space.
To start with, Yusata is providing consultancy services to one of the Government Department in automation of their
Warehouse Logistics process.
Yusata launched its much awaited, fully feature loaded, new version app - YLOGAPP V2 on Google Playstore last
The application is re-loaded with new features of Tracking, managing resources on the go, interactive experience for
user and a new operational dashboard for quick decision making.
A unique difference in the V2 app than V1, is that it is independent of subscription keys; the moment user log out from
app; the key available to be used by other user in the same company; this ease outthe recurring use of limited keys
in an organization.
We encourage our clients and user to download the app and share their experience.
To download: click here
For any further assistance please connect on - sales@ylogapp.com
IOCL Auto LPG division in Gujarat will install GPS devices in their contracted tankers.
We, Yusata Infotech, is already vendor with Western Region Office for GPS Installation and GEO RTD
Tender and hence was provided the opportunity to install GPS in their 5 Auto LPG Tankers in Ahmedabad.
We are glad that our solution and system are being used by multiple divisions of IOCL.
YLogApp, have been able to help our patron customer in recovering their delivery van within 30 mins of being reported theft.
The driver with ill intention took away the Delivery Van of our customer; upon its information, YUSATA team helped the
supervisor to know its location in real time and recovered van within 30 mins.
In the state of Rajasthan, India, our customer has a fleet of delivery vans, which are used to move material from one place
to another; all these vans were fitted with Yusata’s GPS devices and were tracked by supervisors on YLogApp software.
Once of their driver, with mala-fide intention to take away delivery van, moved out of parking area and this incident
came to the knowledge of supervisor. With the help of YLogApp, supervisor were able to find the location and grabbed
driver in few minutes. The location accuracy and prompt response of YLogApp, helped our client save on theft.
This case is a learning experience for other drivers of the fleet; not to commit any such act and be careful of their movements.
The client is happy and have thanked the YLogApp service for its fleet.
Yusata Infotech believes in giving back to society by any way or mean, which is useful to lighten up the lives of even a
single individual.
As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, Yusata has donated several items to Akshay Patra, HELP Foundation and
other organizations who are actively working towards the upliftment of society in any possible mean.
Our CEO, Mr. Mool Chand Sharma, who is actively involved in philanthropic activities within the city and even rural and
outreach parts of city to help promotion of better education and living standards of the local people.
In his recent visit to Paota for a social reason, he observed that a Municipal School, is deprived of Electricity due
to power cut in the village; which in turn causes challenge for school to impart effective education.
Mr. Sharma, had immediately ordered to purchase inverter with battery set for the school and installed to ensure
power is available for students to be able to focus on their study. The school principal and teachers thanked him
for his generous gesture.
Yusata Infotech promotes NOKE Bluetooth Padlock in the Indian, Middle East and South East territory
to its clients and have been in communication with NOKE for the issues and challenges from clients.
Mr. Ramsay Henderson, from NOKE USA had visited office in Jaipur to have a discussion on the overall market
development strategy with Yusata and for its clients.
In the discussion, we have identified the potential of developing software / mobile app which can work closely
with NOKE CORE API and give more flexibility to the user in terms of use and managing locks effectively and efficiently.
Mr. Henderson, had a week plan in India, meeting with other vendors for the advance use of Noke in the Indian market.
YUSATA-NOKE partnership on overall development and implementation for the market will provide best service and
support to its clients.
Summers are all set to heat up the market; transport companies dealing with perishable food products are searching out
for solutions on temperature sensors to keep a real time eye on the items.
Cold storage trucks are available, but still they need to keep a track of temperature control within the containers to
ensure food material does not get perished due to improper temperature settings.
Food materials like – Milk, vegetables, ice-creams, snack items, and many more.
Yusata Infotech have developed an independent temperature monitoring solution with Wireless transmitter and receiver sets.
A single receiver can collect data from multiple wireless temperature sensors and send to the server seamlessly.
Benefit of wireless sensors is no wiring as well as power connections required. The sensors are battery operated and
have good shelf life to support long term solution for the companies.
Many transport companies are exploring wireless solutions, which helps a cost effective solution and better accuracy over
the temperature monitoring requirement.
For more details, kindly contact us at sales@ylogapp.com
YLogApp V2 is a visionary solution platform to achieve a larger objective – integration of Telematics solution with IoT
and sensor technology.
The platform provides space to integrate systems, gps devices, services, sensors like Temperature, door sense, ibutton,
CCTV camera, RFID, and many more. The YLogApp V2 platform can support all the requirements of an Advance Transport
Solution to provide better fleet management, visibility and decision-making ability.
Yusata believes in providing solutions that are useful to an organization need and help achieve better productivity
and profitability. It pursues every potential opportunity to provide better service and functional features for the customer.
Kindly get in touch with our technical team for further specific requirements pertaining to your needs on sales@ylogapp.com
Yusata has been in discussion with various state government departments to provide its expertise in Supply Chain Management,
Telematics, and overall material logistics management.
In our endeavour, we have been assigned a task by one of the State Department to automate their Warehouses and provide
better material movement technology to ensure better time efficiency in material inward and outward.
The solution will involve total planning of warehouse, its automation, use of latest material handling equipment and
better stacking of material and optimum space utilization.
The project report will be completed by April end and a model warehouse management will be established for the state
department to use.
Earth Day is a global event celebrated on 22nd April each year, and more than 1 billion people in 192 countries are
expected to take part in what is the largest civic-focused day of action in the world.
In an effort from Yusata, we have created a concept to save carbon footprints from our side to the environment.
YLogForms, an earth saver concept, utilising your mobile technology to take real time inputs in an E-form which
saves paper utilisation and however save trees, in turn helping save Mother Earth.
YLogForms, can be used for multiple conditions and can be connected to approval flow process of an organisation,
take-action in an electronic format and reduce the use of paper.
Yusata has been selected as an agency to Rajasthan State Beverages Corporation Limited for conducting a Pilot study
to upgrade their current warehouse management system. The objective is to achieve better operational efficiency and
optimum space utilization of the warehouses and provide better service to the Licensee.
Currently the pilot study aims at:
• Understanding current warehouse operation system
• Visiting warehouse locations in Jaipur, Churu, Nagour, Swai Madhopur, Alwar and any other, if required
• Better Space utilization
• New techniques of warehouse management
• Suggesting new design / layouts for efficient material movement
• Managing loading / unloading bay and labour management
The overall purpose of the pilot study is to identify the gaps in the current system and how can they be tapped with
efficient use of technology and material handling equipment in the warehouse.
The pilot study is to be submitted and presented to the RSBCL committee in April 2019.
As a part of next level implementation of IOCL tender for GEO RTD and VTS system in the state of Maharashtra,
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh; Yusata has developed and designed an state-of-art solution for VTS and
Voice box installation in the LPG truck tankers.
The gps device along with the voice box is designed in a unique manner to avoid tampering, wire cut and other
nuisances that can be caused during the period of tender.
Technical and Hardware team at Yusata developed a central box unit which consists of Speaker, SOS button, Power
management, Harness for GPS device and Fuse within it in a secure manner; which brings down the probability of
The design is built professionally and suits for every other tender requirement which can be followed by any
other petroleum company in their next tenders.
With this solution, the installation becomes smooth and elegant, does not hamper driver’s flexibility and ensure
proper data is being shared with IOCL officials, Yusata and transporter.
With the increasing requirement of development and solution for the customers within Indian and USA, Yusata is
planning to expanding its base for the development center.
The company is looking at options within the country to provide appropriate support to the development team and
meet their client's growing expectation in terms of features and additional sensor based inputs.
Yusata is also interested in adding Channel Partner to help better penetration of solutions in the market.
The eligibility to be a Channel Partner is simple and easy - any individual or company with IT background,
interested in long term business potential tapping and have the zeal to work towards providing solution to
the upcoming needs of country.
For further information on the Channel Partnership, send in your details to sales@ylogapp.com
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
New year brings in new joy, energy and resolution to sustain for rest of months. Our new year resolution for the year in
alignment with our motto is: "to achieve excellence and new heights of innovation in Telematics with perpetual service
and support to our customers" The month has set right tone for the year with new projects discussion and progress in the last year projects to
continue this year as well. We target at gaining new large projects during the year and cater the best service.
The team at Yusata is poised with all new enthusiasm and motivation to be creative, innovative and deliver quality
solutions to its patron.
During the year, we will share positive news of growth and progress with you
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Western Zone tender awarded to Yusata in 2017 is progressing to a new level.
Geo Round Trip Distance work of Physical verification covering all the Source and Destination of IOCL LPG Bulk have
been carried out and incorporated into the GEO RTD Software. The IOCL Officials have been trained and given access
to the system.
We are now starting with the Vehicle Tracking System installation in the LPG Tanker Trucks across the
Western states – Mahrashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh. The VTS will give information of trucks, loaded,
trip route covered, various voice alerts in driver cabin like Over speeding, Harsh acceleration, Harsh braking, Harsh
maneuvering and device tampering alerts.
The VTS and GEO RTD project will fully functional from March onwards.
- Get data feed from your users with ease
YLogForms is just right for you to get data feed on routine basis from your users. Get access to your users and let them
fill it on the go right from their mobile devices.
- Customize per your needs
Choose from available forms and customize it per your needs. You can even create your own if none of template suits your
- Choose from different data types
We let you design your own form with the combination of various available data type like text, number, long text, drop down,
timestamps, date, multi-select, image, signature, location etc.
- Validations on data input
You can choose to have any field required or optional, pre-filled from existing value, select or input, formula calculation,
image size etc
- Reports around data
Get your data in formatted grids or reports the way you want right on your email when you want.
- Works on mobile and web
You can access and/or submit data from mobile devices as well as from our responsive web application.
- Total control on access
You can control who can submit, edit or view any form's data. Grouping of users is available which powers you to change
permission for multiple users in single shot.
The year 2018 passed by with memories and achievements to cherish for the coming year 2019.
The year 2018 has proven as a growing step to the growth story of the company. There has been
challenges and successes during the year. The year has been marked as a year of Team Work;
the company pockets new and large size projects from international market; boosting the
morale of team and preparing themselves for bigger challenges in coming year.
• Initiated development of GEO RTD software for the Indian Oil Corporation tender for Bulk LPG tank movement in Western India.
• Participated at India Soft in Bangalore; invited delegates from Africa, America and other South East Asia countries
• Launched fully certified and tested ELD solution for the USA Commercial transport companies
• Celebrated Republic Day of India with Yusata Team and being a part of Clean India mission
• First successful testing of Captive Temperature Sensor designed and manufactured at Yusata
• Automated Driving Test Track Solution being presented at the Malaysian Government and Driving Institutes
• Universal Relocations, USA Based Shipping and Logistics company partnered with Yusata for managing their fleets and sales force for better customer service and productivity
• Additional feature of Wireless Temperature Sensor tested and Proof of Concept started for Dairy in Jaipur
• An innovative Magic Box concept designed to support multi-requirements on the road – GPS, Entertainment, Infotainment, Internet Access, Content Access, CCTV, SOS, and many more. All required boxed in one – MAGIC BOX
• Work commenced to developed YLogApp Version 2 with added features, functionality and interaction.
• Healthy work partnership with DCS USA; a bond of trust and service developed. A futuristic partnership towards mutual working arrangements and enhanced service quality.
• In July 2018, SS Global LLC a sister company of Yusata Infotech took over an existing SmartFleet business from DPC Enterprise in USA. The deal added new 60 companies to the YLogApp platform with enhanced feature and support
• Celebrated 10 successful and glorious years of Yusata Infotech at Hotel Gateway Taj Resort, Pushkar, a five star resort by Taj Group, with Team Yusata and their family members. A two day fun-filled gathering.
• Participation at the Mobile World Congress at Los Angeles, USA
• Successful transition of SmartFleet customers to SS Global LLC platform
• Commenced work with CREOL and Toshiba for various module development and integration with third party. Second phase to start later month of 2018
• YLogApp, supported quick and easy recovery of stolen vehicle in Ahmedabad, India. Providing the best service for safety of vehicles
• Participation at GITEX 2018 at Dubai in October 2018. A separate booth 18 sq mtr with three side open, inviting visitors for Telematics, Hydrocheck, Temperature sensors and IOT solutions
• NOKE- Smart PAD LOCK successfully implemented at Proconnect Logistics
• Server Upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Cloud, the best in industry for safety of data and service quality
• YLogApp Version 2 beta launched for customers to get acquainted with the new look and feel, as well as learn about the new features and functionalities.
The year passed by with new engineers joined the team and a few moved out for great opportunities.
The team size is bigger and better with every change in team.
New CSR initiatives took for better environment, cleanliness and health concerns.
“Provide Cutting Edge Telematics Solutions and enhance Customer Satisfaction”
Yusata Infotech is driven by the motto – “bringing technology closer to life”, following it in true sense the
company has been working towards making technology user friendly and a support to any organization in
enhancing telematics experience and adding profits.
Every year we grow with the new challenges thrown up by customers in different industries and we
learn-unlearn new technologies to provide best support to our customers.
The year 2019 is a pre-cursor to the next big year of 2020; a year to be marked as a Revolution in Technology.
Yusata and its team is prepared to provide new and latest technological advancements to its customers and pass on
maximum benefits. Our recent Oracle Enterprise Cloud server was a stepping stone to it and with new YLogApp
Version 2 being launched, we are poised to take new challenges.
The year 2019 will be a destiny turner for everyone of us and we look at new channel partners will join and
be the part of success ride with us.
With each year, we gain new patron clients who are the real motivators and support to the overall Yusata Success Wheel.
We extend our warm welcome to each patron member with us and to the ones who will join us during the year. You are
the real success to us. Thank you for being with us.
Welcome to the new Advanced Telematics Solution Experience with Yusata Infotech.
Yusata is an active company at campus recruitment drive and look out for talents to hire for their projects and
expanding team.
Anand engineering college has been college of repute in Jaipur state of Rajasthan.
The college invited Yusata Infotech to come for recruitment drive and select students to be part of
company on 22-12-2018.
Mr. Sunil Karwasra- Director Technology and Mr. Ravinder Dhayal - Director Projects represented company at the
A round of written exam and interviews were conducted during the day to identify the knowledge base of students
and find suitable candidates.
From the appeared candidates, the team selected 3 candidates for joining
Joining of these candidates is first week of January 2019.
SPL(Saturday Premier League) is the official league of Planet Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and as the name suggest this is a
league initially started at company level where matches were played between company teams only on every Saturday.
This league is running from last 5 years but comes in more fame from last one year since we started the corporate
cup between the IT companies of Jaipur and all credit goes to SPL Management Team who really worked hard to
make this league popular between It companies in Jaipur.
Yusata Infotech is amongst the 12 corporate teams participating at the event from Jaipur.
The 13 team members will represent the cricket team, with 11 as playing members and 2 back up.
Such event generates congenial work environment and a healthy relationship with other IT company on the industry.
We look forward to a great show at the league and wish every team all the best.
YLogApp a successful School bus transit management solution implemented in schools across Ahmedabad and Jaipur cities.
The solution is integrated with ERP solutions and have been used effectively by the school transport managers.
Additional features are planned to be launched in the upcoming academic year. The solution will be enhanced with Dual Side
CCTV cameras, ultrasonic fuel sensor integration and RFID based attendance system in the school bus.
The testing and POC are under progress with the support of school. The new features will make the solution an effective
tool for safety and security of vehicles as well as students.
Continuous improvement towards quality service, this approach drives our Solutions; striving our endeavours to give our best.
We are glad to inform our migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for our prime solution offering - YLogApp.
The migration is in sync with the growing market need and extending support to our clients, as a part of effective solution
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure brings enhanced service experience in terms of site response, security and safety of data
over cloud, accessibility to data, performance upgradation and overall user experience growth.
With this migration, we now have better control as well as flexibility to utilize our infrastructure resources in better way.
Yusata Infotech welcomes each of its customer to the new and enhanced solution capability to serve.
The YLogApp V2 beta version is available for testing to the customers.
Our development team has put efforts in understanding the needs and requirements of each specific industry and have
accommodated their feedback into a new YLogApp Version 2 (V2).
The link can be accessed through :
Existing users can use its credential to login and take a tour; and new users needs to sign up for a trial version to take a
feel of the portal.
All features of Version 1 are available with new features added in Version 2. The new version provides an analytical
framework to telematics services of clients.
New and fresh look, international standard browsing experience, ease of navigation, various analytical graphs and much
more to satisfy industry requirements.
For any further suggestion or queries kindly drop us an email on sales@ylogapp.com
Yusata Infotech and DCS, USA has participated jointly at the largest IT Show of Middle East, the GITEX Show 2018 at the Dubai
World Trade Centre during 14-18 October 2018.
The show has been successful with a good footfall of visitors at our Booth B1-94 in Hall 1.
During the exhibition, we promoted joint solutions of Advance Telematics, Fleet Management
and IoT (Internet of Things).
a. YLogApp – a sophisticated telematics solution with exceptional capabilities to support
resource utilization visibility for an organization. A cloud-based solution with features of
fleet management, live tracking, Dispatch, geo fencing, driver behaviour, ELD & Hour of Service,
IFTA, etc
b. Internet of Things (IoT) solution -
i. HYDROCHECK – a water quality monitoring solution; keeps a check on Water conductivity,
resistivity monitoringand indicator of pure water quality for deionization, reverse osmosis,
or distillation systems.
ii. Temperature & Humidity sensors – Single sensor with multiple features to sense the
temperature and humidity in real and alert admin for corrective steps and manage reducing loss
of material.
iii. Bluetooth Padlock – as part of IoT, a smart Bluetooth padlock with Mobile app accessibility
as a part of access control and real time know how of who opened the lock, where and where.
Our stand had visitors from Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Kenya, Tanzania, Oman, Iraq, Jordon, Lebanon, Korea,
China and other.
Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way organizations take work from machines. IoT space has brought a
new big data and analytical dimensions to the machine working.
Using IOT with the Telematics solution brought out great results for the Transportation and Logistics companies;
however, it has also benefitted other areas where it has been difficult to capture live data from remote locations.
Wireless IOT Temperature sensor is under its testing phase for monitoring food temperature distributed at various
locations and served.
These temperature sensors will be connected to the food distribution vessels capturing temperature at a
configured interval and when the food is dispensed at various schools and donation locations.
The motive of these wireless sensors will be to keep the command centre informed about the service quality
committed by organization. Many companies are at our target in Food Industry – Havmor, Vadilal, McCain, etc
For petroleum companies like IOCL, BPCL , HPCL and others every year, 3 year or 5 year the company needs to carry out
Round Trip Distance (RTD) for their routes which carry inflammable items like petroleum, LPG Gas, lubricants,
LPG Bottles, etc.
The contracted vehicles need to follow the same RTDs and are paid accordingly.
Yusata Infotech as a part of its Tender requirement for Indian Oil Corporation Limited, have developed a totally
automated solution for GEO-RTD using the Google maps. The application performs the following:
1. Create master data of source and destination
2. GEO FENCE for these locations with SAP codes
3. Generate 3 alternate all season motorable routes for the vehicles to ply on them
4. Approve routes as per plant manager, and RTD core committee
5. Integration with IOCL SAP system
6. Manage audit trails and approval system
An attempt is made towards standardization of this GEO RTD system with IOCL and can be used across all offices.
Yusata Infotech have the solution ready for implementation for any IOCL office to use.
This is Yusata’s second consecutive participation at GITEX, Dubai. The Boot# is B1-94 in Hall#1.
Yusata is presenting its IOT solutions at the exhibition – Temperature sensor, Smart Bluetooth Lock,
Telematics solution and ELD solution.
DCS is our partner at GITEX 2018; DCS is a leader in wide range of Telematics hardware and IOT.
Both the companies are working closely for better Telematics solutions and MI Sensors. CalAmp
is the quality hardware promoted by us.
We welcome you to visit the booth and share your specific requirements.
Mobile World Congress held from 12-14 September 2018 at Los Angeles, USA has been successfully concluded the last
month. Yusata and DCS jointly presented their hardware and software solutions at the exhibition and received
warm response from the visitors. The booth had a demo kit to showcase MI Sensor data related to
temperature, Hydro Check Sense and Automated Driving Test Track.
Further to the products, Electronic Logging Device (ELD) was an interesting product for the visitors.
The solution of DOT and Hour of Service is a mandatory requirement for Federal Department of Transport
for the commercial vehicle owners.
NOKE – Smart Bluetooth Padlock implemented in Logistics Industry at Chennai, India. NOKE is the most
advanced hardware and software solution for access control and asset tracking.
Transport and Logistics have incidences of theft, material loss, damage, unauthorized access,
etc which can be controlled with a real time monitoring and information sharing with the
transport control room.
NOKE satisfies all the requirement parameters for the industry and provides a safe and smart
solution for the need.
Today, in India, Proconnect Supply Chain has implemented the smart solution for their vehicles;
the locks are used for long haul vehicles for better safety and monitoring of the material.
The lock provides details of Open and Closed location, user details, time and date, number of
time accessed, etc.
It is made up of Steel and Boron, making it a hard steel product to break through or cut in transit.
A quality product for the clients who promotes quality.
FIRSTAR, an established company in South Korea at Daejeon, had visited MWC 2018 at Los Angeles USA during
September 12-14. The company deals with Internet of Things (IoT) solution and promoting the same to
various companies across the world.
The MOU has been signed to agree and confirm interest of FIRSTAR and SS Global LLC, USA for
- promoting knowledge of each counterpart and its economic situation,
- support in attracting foreign investments and helping each other to exchange advance activities for the industry,
- cultivate mutual cooperation among companies and research institutions
The MOU defines a broad understanding of information sharing and encouraging promotion of solutions for industries.
Yusata Infotech completed its 10th year in August 2018; a decade of innovation and service in
the Information Technology sector. Yusata has developed from a Software company to Advance
Telematics and IOT company in these 10 years.
The company celebrated anniversary at the Gateway Resort, Pushkar by The Taj Hotel. All the
employees with their family members.
The two day celebration had many features planned for enjoyment and cherish success and growth
of company.
On the first day everyone enjoyed visit to Adventure park had fun and games,
evening dance and musical night, played musical chair and dumb seras; over and above all, had
a delicious dinner.
Next day visited Brahma Temple in Pushkar, the only temple of Lord Brahma in the world. In
evening we reached back to Jaipur.
During the celebration Mr. Sunil Sharma, Founder along with all the directors of company,
Mr. M C Sharma (CEO), Ms. Suman Sharma (Managing Director), Mr. Jayant Arrawatia
(Director Sales & Marketing), Mr. Sunil Karwasra (Director- Technology) and Mr. Ravinder Dhayal
(Director – Projects) joined with family.
The 10th year celebration became a memorable moment for all the Yusatians and an occasion
to be one as a family. Each one filled with new passion and commitment to serve with best
technical solutions in coming years.
Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions is retail’s first choice for integrated in-store solutions. The leading supplier of
point-of-sale systems with a worldwide install base larger than any three major competitors combined, Toshiba is
committed to delivering innovative commerce solutions that transform checkout, provide seamless consumer interactions
and optimize retail operations.
TGCS for Advance Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) product required certain Custom Development for some of the RICE
objects including EBS Customization and Oracle BI Reports.
The project is managed by CREOL, all the customization and development work has been done as partners.
The team has EBS customization capabilities and has delivered already one custom module.
Currently team is working on developing Technical Design Document and interfaces for conversion of
TERIS RICE Object from legacy system to new infrastructure of ORACLE.
Newer territories and capabilities are added with the team.
If you’re talking technology within the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Right from world-famous industry names to
Silicon Valley’s hottest startups, everyone heads to GITEX in anticipation of big business partnerships,
future-ready gear and booming successes.
Yusata is participating in GITEX for the 2nd consecutive year. The company is in association with DCS USA featuring
innovative Telematics solution and IOT products - Temperature sensors, GPS solutions, ELD solution for USA market.
Yusata and DCS provides breakthrough technology support to clients across world.
Visit our booth at GITEX 2018. More details to follow in coming month.
A client using YLogApp in Ahmedabad reported Car stolen from Gujarat- Rajasthan Border, Ratangarh at 2 am. The
driver informed the car missing from the hotel parking at Ratangarh and he searched for it nearby, but in vain.
The car owner Mr. Harshad Patel informed our YLogApp team and requested for live feed of vehicle to track and trace
the stolen car. Upon tracking with YLogApp, it was found that the car is parked at a location in Ahmedabad.
Mr. Patel rushed to the location and recovered the car with the accurate location tracking of YLogApp.
A police FIR was lodged of car theft, and the GPS trail report was submitted which was accurate and had
provided clear understanding of the car movement to Police.
Mr. Patel is now a brand ambassador for YLogApp solution and is part of highly satisfied customer list.
Hello Friends,
I congratulate you all for completing successful 10 years of Yusata Infotech; a pride moment for
At this occasion, I want to thank the almighty for his blessings bestowed upon us and the
strength given to us to contribute towards nation’s growth and our personal growth.
In the initial years of Yusata, we started with a small team and commitment to pave
a path of
providing quality solutions to foreign market majorly USA. We were a 100% export oriented unit
of Software and Technology Park of India.
With the passing years, new and fresh talents were added to the pool, and we sailed through the
revolutionary IT industry towards the motto of “bringing technology closer to life”. Our aim is
to make better technology and solutions available to enhance productivity and profitability of
I thank, all my colleagues, staff members, clients, vendors and patrons, who have stood with us
on every front of business growth and supported during low moments.
Yusata completed a decade of service in providing quality Telematics solution to the industry and
is poised with new energy to excel further in it. Yusata has added its captive Internet of Things
(IoT) solution capability, the future of IT industry.
Today, we have partners in USA, Africa and India adding to the growth of company.
I, once again, congratulate each and everyone connected with us or was part with us. As a team we
look forward to great decades coming ahead.
With all my best wishes,
Mool Chand Sharma
Mobile World Congress Americas 2018 will bring together the brightest minds in the industry today, to imagine what
tomorrow could bring.
MWC Americas is not just an event, it is an international gathering of innovative minds with the goal of creating a
better future. Attendees will be amazed, motivated and optimistic about the future of mobile technology.
Yusata had participated last year at MWC 2017 in San Francisco and had envisioned prospect in the show with
continuous presence.
Hence, Yusata is participating this year at MWC 2018, showcasing Telematics, DOT Log, ELD Solution and IOT Solutions.
The booth assigned is No 8.
In the month of June, Yusata’s sister concern company SSGlobal LLC in USA took over DPC Smartfleet with assets like
client base, trademarks, logo, business rights and product source codes.
During July 2018, the transition of DPC clients to SS Global commenced with understanding the need of client and what
new functions are expected to them. Post these meetings and clarity of new functions required, an integration plan
has been set out for use of YLogApp functions.
Yusata’s Solution YLogApp brings in the new features of DOT and Hour of Service, ELD Compliance, Driving Behaviour
and additional functions, which satisfies the growing need of the clients.
Both Yusata and SSGlobal LLC is committed to provide the best to SmartFleet clients in USA.
Ingram Micro India Private Limited had south territory to pioneer with the real time E-POD application implementation
for their Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad branches. The application is knitted with their internal ERP Solution,
helping Ingram Micro keep a trace of their consignments and delivery e-POD in real time.
Further branches of North, East and West were added in July 2018, the new branches which started are Delhi,
Ballabhgarh, Kolkata, Pune. These branches have been added to the ERP solution and have direct access to the POD
app with API integration.
Further in coming months, new branches will be added – Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Indore and Surat.
Ingram Micro have plans to implement the solution across all major branches in India.
"Effective July 1, 2018, DP&C enterprises, LLC has sold its TMS software application "DP&C SmartFleet" to SSGlobal,
LLC. This sale includes all the proprietary technology and marketing rights. SSGlobal, LLC is the USA business
sister concern of Yusata Infotech Private Limited, a global technology and service provider established in 2008
at Jaipur. Yusata has provided software development services to DP&C Enterprises over the past 10 years, and is
well versed in all technical & operating aspects of the DP&C SmartFleet application. SSGlobal LLC is headed by
Sunil Sharma, a former partner to DP&C Enterprises.
DP&C Enterprises will continue its professional / consulting services practice, and provide transition support to
SS Global over the next 6 months. All current operating modules, user credentials, etc. will stay in effect. We
thank the firms who have become DP&C SmartFleet clients & vendors over the last (10) years and look forward to
the successful transition to SSGlobal."
With this effect, Smartfleet will have added advantage of YLogApp and it will enhance the technical capability
of Smartfleet; providing better experience to the clients and vendors.
ADTT, an innovative driving test track solution developed by Yusata Infotech has been requested by the Saudi
Arabia and Malaysia Driving institutes for customization and be implemented in their territories.
The application is independent software integrating Video Analytics and sensors to identify driving skills
and abilities of driver in a controlled environment of institute and on road. The solution ensure pixel based
foul identification and monitor real time every movement of driving on the test tracks.
The software ADTT is capable to support Candidate registration, bio metric capture, image capture, assigning
tokens, test track sequencing, recording and analyzing driving skills, foul management, and result printing in
a seamless environment without any interruption.
To support ADTT solution in these markets, additional module of in-car CCTV and video analytics are under
development too.
The market is accepting video analytics based ADTT solution over sensor based solution.